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Hinter den Kulissen palermitanischer »Palazzi«

21 March 2018

Überall in Palermo begegnen dem Besucher Adelspaläste, manche prächtig, manche renovierungsbedürftig, manche in desolatem Zustand. Einige dieser historischen Gebäude gehören noch heute den Nachfahren der einstigen Erbauer – und wer würde nicht gerne einen Blick in diese geschichtsträchtigen Bauwerke werfen? Tatsächlich sind manche von ihnen Touristen zugänglich, und zwar im Rahmen einer Führung, eines privaten […]


18 January 2018

The 15th-century Palazzo Alliata di Pietratagliata is one of the most significant structures in Palermo today, blending seven centuries of architectural styles that are magnificent visual reminders of Sicily’s complex history. “Each generation made its own contribution,” says Princess Signoretta Alliata di Pietratagliata, whose family has owned the palace for hundreds of years. Her marriage […]

Simonetta Agnello Hornby e George, Io & George at Palazzo Alliata

15 February 2016

Simonetta Agnello Hornby e George, in Io & George, Signoretta Alliata guests and  Palazzo Alliata. Here , a part of the episode aired Ritorno in Sicilia – Io & George del 25/12/2015

Palazzo Alliata di Pietratagliata

29 November 2012

di Massimiliano Marafon Pecoraro   Il volume monografico su Palazzo Alliata di Pietratagliata abbraccia cinque secoli di storia dell’arte in Sicilia. Le stratificazioni artistiche che hanno interessato il palazzo, facendone uno dei più completi esempi d’architettura civile a Palermo, seguono il percorso lineare dell’evoluzione artistica europea in epoca moderna. La dimora, sorta in epoca medievale, […]

Where we are

The Palace Alliata of Pietratagliata is located in via Bandiera, heart of the historical center in Palermo and one of the most ancient roads...

The Moro House & Cottage

Seaside Mondello is lively all year, and this house and cottage sleeps 10 so is perfect for families or friends. Beach and Palermo nearby

Fattoria Mongerrate

Fattoria Mongerrate - Aziende Agricole BAUCINA sec. XIX
Fattoria Mongerrate